Königliche Hymne
"Phleng Sanrasoen Pra Barami" heisst die Königshymne des Landes.Die Musik basiert auf einer alten Melodie namens "Aug Sadet Kunnang". Die Worte stammen von Prinz Narisaranuvadtivongs, die er um 1913 verfasste. König Rama VI. selbst soll den Text überarbeitet haben.
Könisghymne im Original
Ka wora Puttajao
Ao mano lae sira gran
Nob Prapumiban bunyadirek
Ek baroma Chakkrin
Pra Sayamin
Pra Yodsa ying yong
Yen Sira prau Pra bariban
Pon Prakuntaraksa
Puang pracha pen suk-saan
Kau bandaan
Ta prasong dai
Song sarit
Dang wang wauraharuetai
Duja tawai chai chayo
Englische Übersetzung der Königshymne (nur sinngemäss)
I, servent of lord Buddha,
put my heart and my head to his feet,
to pay him respect and give him blessing,
the protector of the country,
Great of the chakri dynasty,
the leader of the Siamese people,
the highest by rank,
who protected and guided me.
All people are happy and live in peace.
We pray, that whatever your wishes may be,
that destiny shall give you,
as you wish in your heart,
to give you wealth.
We hail you.